Aromatherapy Uses: Household Cleaning and Freshening
If you’ve got to clean house, why not reap the benefits of aromatherapy while you’re at it! If you’ve ever tackled household chores, you know that the smell of some products is overwhelming. If used without proper ventilation, many can even cause sickness.
Wouldn’t it be nice if your household chores were invigorating rather than tiring? They can be and your home can be too. Here’s how. First, a few tips.
Making your own household cleansers is easy, fun and cost-effective, especially if you make large amounts.
As with all household cleaning and freshening products, remember to properly label those which are homemade. And remember to store these products in an area where children or pets can’t get them. Even though they’re non-toxic, ingestion of excessive quantities can cause sickness. Always keep essential oils away from the eyes.
Which Aromatherapy Ingredients to Use for Cleaning/Freshening and How?
To freshen up the air inside your home, put your favorite scent into a pot of water and simmer mixture on the stovetop for several hours. The smell of citrus rinds is invigorating but you can use any essential oil.
To ensure there’s always a fresh scent in the bathroom squeeze a few drops of essential oil onto the cardboard roll that holds the toilet paper. The fragrance will release with each pull. Remember to repeat with each new roll you hang.
If you want to use chemical-based cleaning products but prefer to leave behind a fragrance that doesn’t smell like harsh chemicals, make a rinse using water and your favorite essential oil. Eucalyptus, pine, lemon, wintergreen, lavender and lots of others are good choices. Four drops for every pint of water is a good ratio. Place mixture into a spray bottle and use it as a sort of ‘final rinse’ when cleaning. Store in a dark area.
Tee tree oil and lavender essential oils have anti-bacterial properties so you can use this type of natural mixture for cleaning countertops. Just mix a few drops with water and spray on surfaces. For large jobs such as killing mold and mildew, add about 50 drops into a bucket of water.
Here’s a simple recipe for homemade carpet fresheners. In a bowl mix 4 cups of baking soda or cornstarch with 25 drops rosewood essential oil, 35 drops of eucalyptus essential oil and 30 drops lavender essential oil. Break apart clumps and stir well. Pour into a shaker bottle. Sprinkle on carpets about 15 minutes prior to vacuuming. Instead of the essential oils listed here, you can mix your own personal favorites.
To clean floors, combine 15 drops of orange essential oil and 8 drops of lemon essential oils, 1 gallon hot water and 2 tablespoons liquid soap. This mixture will work on tough jobs and will leave the room smelling fresh.
Make your own dryer sheets by placing several drops of your favorite essential oil onto a towel. Add the towel into the dryer along with clothes and dry as you normally would.
For a deep sleep, place lavender essential oil into a spritz-type bottle. Lightly spritz bed sheets before retiring for the night.
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